Oakdale Golf and Country Club wind conditions explored

The 2023 RBC Canadian Open is fast approaching, and golfers and spectators are looking forward to the exciting action that will take place at the legendary Oakdale Golf and Country Club. The focus has now shifted to the weather forecast, and in this article, we will analyze the wind conditions that may affect the PGA Tour event.

The RBC Canadian Open, which will be held at the picturesque Oakdale Golf & Country Club course from June 8 to 11, promises to be a thrilling display of ability and precision. As competitors prepare for the challenge, the forecast shows that wind patterns can be vital in determining the outcome of this prestigious golf event.

Weather forecast for RBC Canadian Open 2023

Weather forecasts for each round of the RBC Canadian Open have been published by event organizers, helping players and spectators plan accordingly.

DayTemp (°F)AM Winds (Gusts)% AM RainsPM Winds (Gusts)%PM Rains
Thursday64 / 57N 8 mph (13 mph)20%NE 7 mph (13 mph)40%
Friday68 / 57N 7 mph (12 mph)40%N 7 mph (12 mph)40%
Saturday77 / 61W 4 mph (7 mph)20%S 4 mph (9 mph)30%
Sunday75 / 63SE 4 mph (9 mph)30%E 7 mph (12 mph)40%

Round 1 is slated for Thursday, June 8, and promises to be a great start with dry weather and a light breeze. Winds are forecast to be in the 5-10 mph range throughout the day, offering favorable playing conditions for golfers.

Moving on to Round 2, which will take place on Friday, June 9, wind speeds are forecast to remain constant. However, the likelihood of rain increases, especially in the afternoon. Players should be prepared for damp weather during this round.

Round 3 is set for Saturday, June 10, and is expected to see a return to dry weather. The wind is not expected to be a factor, giving a fair playing field for all competitors.

Finally, Round 4 will end the tournament on Sunday, June 11, with a mix of sporadic showers and 10 mph winds. Players' strategies may need to be adjusted to accommodate for the rain and mild breezes.

Despite the sporadic rain, it is worth emphasizing that wind conditions are more important than rain in achieving a competitive advantage in the RBC Canadian Open.

However, modest winds are predicted for the Oakdale Golf and Country Club, meaning that there would be no clear weather advantages for the participants to exploit during the competition.

The feature groups and tee off to watch in Round 1 of RBC Canadian Open

  • 7:33 a.m. ET: Justin Rose, Rory McIlroy, Webb Simpson
  • 7:44 a.m. ET: Matt Fitzpatrick, Tyrrell Hatton, Ludvig Aberg
  • 7:55 a.m. ET: Corey Conners, Nick Taylor, Tommy Fleetwood
  • 12:48 p.m. ET: Sam Burns, Matt Kuchar, Sahith Theegala
  • 12:59 p.m. ET: Adam Svensson, Mackenzie Hughes, Adam Hadwin
  • 1:10 p.m. ET: Shane Lowry, Brandt Snedeker, Cameron Young

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