Super 8 premiere: whats going on with Kate Capshaws face?


Last night was the big premiere for Super 8, the JJ Abrams-Steven Spielberg film that everyone (?) is talking about. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that there’s someone in the industry who doesn’t feel like giving away the whole plot in the trailer, or letting the script leak early and all of that stuff. I like the idea of “event” film premieres, where there isn’t a long line of fashion girls trying to steal focus. But it’s also problematic, because I don’t have one huge celebrity to cover for fashion. But I do have Kate Capshaw, the wife of Steven Spielberg and “Where are they now?” actress. Now… I haven’t seen Kate Capshaw in a while. Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention, and she’s been aging naturally all along and it just startled me today. And I do think that some of what’s happening with Capshaw’s face can be explained with traditional aging, and for that, good for her. But it looks like she had a really bad facelift several years ago and she’s trying to “let it out,” right? She just looks odd to me. Like… budget, facelift-y Kim Basinger.


Here are two of the stars of the film, Kyle Chandler and Elle Fanning. Kyle looks nice, but considering it’s “his” film, he could be dressier, IMO. And I think Elle looks completely appropriate for a 13 year old. Very cute. And tall!



Here’s Jim Caviezel, looking like he’s trying to push out a slow-burning fart.


Oh, I’m sorry? Did you want a big hunk-a hunk-a BURNING LOINS?!? Josh Holloway!!!



And here’s JJ Abrams’ friend, Tom Cruise. Tom is friends with Spielberg too. It’s nice that he’s showing up for friends, but part of me thinks he’s just aiming to get some work. Tom looks nice though – I like his hair.



Photos courtesy of WENN.
