On June 24, 2022, Kimora Hodges, a 21-year-old Michigan babysitter, was charged with the murder of a 23-month-old baby she had been hired to care for.
According to People News, authorities reported that Hodges physically abused the child while she was watching him at his apartment in Roseville, Michigan on June 13. When the child was injured, Hodges allegedly called his 18-year-old mother and told her that he was having an allergic reaction after accidentally ingesting soap.
The mother, Tanya Starks, returned home immediately, where she arrived to see her infant having a seizure. However, when the child was transported to the hospital, there was no hint of an allergic reaction.
Rather, according to autopsies, his body revealed signs of assault. He died from his injuries on Wednesday.
Hodges has been charged with felony murder. She is currently being held at Macomb County jail without bond.
The autopsy report that implicates Kimora Hodges
According to Law and Crime, when authorities reached the scene, Kimora Hodges panicked and said that the seizures were an allergic reaction. However, after seeing the autopsy report, Tanya Starks alleged that her infant son had been attacked.
In an interview with WJBK, Starks said:
"He had blunt force trauma to the head and he was bleeding out his ears and had to have immediate brain surgery."She added:
"All I know is she threw my son into the wall and shook him up pretty bad and they said that’s just a bit of what she did to him."This was reinforced by Roseville Police Chief Brian Monroe, who also found signs of blunt force trauma during the investigation.
Ryan Monroe said that during interviews, Hodges was regretful of what occurred that day. He stated that Hodges is helping the authorities and has admitted to her part in the baby's death.
Monroe said:
"Very cooperative and very regretful remorseful for her actions, but it obviously doesn’t take it back.”If convicted of the murder, Kimora Hodges could receive a life sentence.
Response from the victim's mother, Tanya Starks
After the death of her infant child, Tanya Starks reached out to Netizens for help, citing that she was a vulnerable teen mother.
Starks said:
"I’m only 18. I don’t have a mom or a dad. It’s just me and my baby. I’m hurt. I’m so hurt she did this to me. I would have never done this to her and her baby."She has since created a GoFundMe page, which has raised over $70000 despite the $17500 goal.
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